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9 skin issues that a Chemical Peel can treat effectively

Many of us have heard about Chemical Peels - but which skin issues do they help with…and how?

It is quite incredible how one type of process can have so many benefits. We look into which issues chemical peels can treat - and detail what the process involves at Hilldown Aesthetics.

Skin texture issues

A chemical peel will improve your skin texture and tone as the new growth of skin is smoother and more supple. Whilst the skin that was removed was damaged - the new skin cells that grow are not affected by this and create a smoother texture.

Fine lines

Whilst the outer layer is damaged in a controlled way and peels off, the smoother skin under it grows with less fine lines giving you a youthful glow.

Blemishes and Acne Scarring

Chemical peels exfoliate the skin rapidly which then allows dead skin cells to shed a lot more effectively. The appearance of blemishes and acne scarring can be greatly reduced.


When dead skin cells and excess oil are prevented from clogging hair follicles, pore blockages and acne can be significantly reduced.


A chemical peel followed by an ongoing skincare routine can greatly improve the skin’s appearance for Rosacea sufferers. The top layer of the skin is exfoliated and then replaced by newer and healthier skin cells.


Chemical peels reduce any appearance of hyperpigmentation by removing the epidermis. Deeper versions can also penetrate the middle layer of your skin (dermis) which would produce more dramatic results.


Skin congestion (the build-up of dead skin cells, sweat, impurities and sebum in the pores) is greatly minimised by a chemical peel and as a result of this, pores will be smaller and skin refinement is dramatically improved.


If your skin is dry, this will mean that your skin’s moisture barrier is not able to prevent air from extracting moisture from you. A chemical peel gives you a fresh start, removing the dry skin and allowing healthier skin to grow in its place.

Large Pores

The chemical peel doesn’t change the size of your pores but dramatically changes the appearance of them. The newer skin will have a much smoother look than before and your pores will appear much smaller after the process.

What we offer you as part of the Chemical Peel process at Hilldown Aesthetics

  • A full complimentary skin consultation before treatment to discuss your skin concerns

  • Medical Grade chemical peels - can only be purchased as a healthcare professional through a pharmacy

  • Use of PCA Skincare products

  • The process involves cleansing the skin, toning the skin, the chemical peel, indicated specialist product used to address concern, use of moisturiser and SPF.

  • 3 peels are carried out a month apart and then would need to be maintained every 3-6 months

  • Our treatment is very manageable with a low level of discomfort

To book your skin consultation click here

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